Why It Is Vital To Practice Self-Compassion

Why is it so important to practice self-compassion? Because doing so can help boost your happiness and reduce the likelihood of depression. Research shows that self-compassion matters even more to our personal well-being than self-esteem. Why is that? Because,...
How to Feel More Positive in an Instant

How to Feel More Positive in an Instant

Chances are, most of what you really want is already right in front of you. If you want to feel more positive, look at what is going RIGHT in your life, right now. What is good? What is working? Nurture it. Acknowledge it. Give it thanks. And watch it grow. The more...
Life is not meant to be hard

Life is not meant to be hard

Transformation… What does that word mean for you? For me it’s recognizing that the past does not dictate the future, unless you let it. You have the power to transform and reinvent yourself at any moment you choose. Looking back I see that there were life lessons that...