Sedona Retreat Survey Name* First Last Email* How would you rate your overall experience for the Calling in Abundance Retreat in Sedona with Kimberly Napier and Katherine Glass?*DisappointingLife ChangingPlease explain how you feel about your overall experience.*How likely would you be to recommend this retreat to a friend or colleague?*Not at all LikelyExtremely LikelyHow likely would you be to choose a retreat that returned to Sedona?*Not at all LikelyExtremely LikelyHow likely would you be to participate in future retreats with Kimberly and Katherine in other locations like Costa Rica?*Not at all LikelyExtremely LikelyPlease rate your experience with the property in Sedona:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the customer service with the retreat hosts:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the Vortex Tour:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the Crystal Grid Manifestation:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the food:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the amenities:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the yoga:ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the massage therapists:ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the content taught by Kimberly:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the presentation style of Kimberly:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleAdditional comments about Kimberly:Please rate the content taught by Katherine:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerriblePlease rate the presentation style of Katherine:*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleAdditional comments about Katherine:Any other feedback you would like to provide to enhance the experience?Can we use your comments and/or feedback in our marketing?* Yes, feel free to use my feedback to help spread the word. No, I'd rather keep my comments private. Please add me to the mailing list for future special events and announcements. Δ