Gather Your Peeps For a Private WorkshopHAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF AN EMPOWERMENT PARTY?
We all love going to parties. Jewelry parties, Trunk parties, and even Tupperware Parties… But what is the best part, really? Getting together with your girlfriends, and catching up, right? What if you could have a “party” that focused on investing in YOU, instead of just more stuff, while spending time connecting deeper with your closest friends – daring each other to be your best, most incredible self? If you’re in the Concord, Massachusetts area, I bring the DARE Empowerment Party to you and your friends to empower you with the courage and tools to create the life you want! DARE Empowerment Parties are guaranteed to bring you and your friends closer together, and BE FUN!
If you’re in the Concord, Sudbury or Lexington, Massachusetts areas, simply plan a party at your house, or at my office, invite your closest friends, supply the wine, drinks, or appetizers and off we go!
- Empowerment Parties are 2 hours long
- Empowerment Party size is 6-10 people including hostess
Dare empowerment party options are recommended to be completed in order.

DARE Empowerment Party 1 – Unleash Your Inner Goddess!
Learn how to how to tame your self-doubt, calm the inner Medusa that keeps you stuck, and unleash the goddess within you to live more authentically as your best self.

DARE Empowerment Party 2 – Boost Your Happiness!
Discover how to make little changes everyday to boost your happiness, increase your appreciation for life and expand your capacity to bring compassion to others around you, including yourself.

DARE Empowerment Party 3 – Reclaim Your Power!
Become more empowered by learning to live in your power of choice – by being more mindful and deliberate in your thoughts, beliefs and actions to create the life you want.

DARE Empowerment Party 4 – Author Your Life!
This is the perfect environment to articulate what you really want in your life. Learn how to be the author of your life, gain clarity, and achieve more fulfillment and balance in your life.

DARE Empowerment Party 5 – Create your own “luck”
Learn what “lucky” people do differently and how you can manifest more good fortune in your life.
“A DARE Party? What a fantastic concept for a Friday night with friends. Kim’s fun and engaging style, underpinned by her professional expertise helped lead us through a 90 minute journey – DARING each other to discover something new about ourselves. It was a great way to connect deeper with friends, laugh and leave feeling a bit more courageous and prepared to challenge the ‘negative talk’ in our lives. It was a fun way to unveil some inner strength. I definitely learned something new about myself and I look forward to the next DARE party.”
– Jill Adams

Ready to DARE to let your light shine? Contact me to learn more and to schedule your DARE Party.
DARE Parties Resources
Keep the party going with these fun and inspirational reads…