Just about five years ago I launched my DAREChange Workshop Series, rooted in the science and teachings of positive psychology, to help women create positive change in their life.
I have now helped hundreds of women through these workshops, and through personal coaching, leveraging this process for change.

What I have realized from this work is just how often women say,
“I wish I knew this when I was younger.”
And, “If I had known how to recognize my truth, or stop that negative voice in my head when I was younger, my life would have been so different.”
I know I have shared in these same thoughts.
Something happens in the teen years when we stop trusting ourselves, and even start doubting ourselves. We start looking outward for approval and validation, compare ourselves to others, and we can begin to lose ourselves as we try to fit in and belong.
The elevateGIRLS program is designed to help tween and teen aged girls elevate the trust within themselves before those years, and fears, hit.
This program is designed to teach middle and high school girls in a safe, fun and judgement-free zone:
How to mindfully choose their thoughts and not become victims of their self-doubts,
What their unique character strengths are, and how to leverage them to be more resilient, brave and empathetic,
How to trust, and know, when something is ‘right’ for them and when it is not, and
Practical tools to help boost their confidence and happiness.
A portion of proceeds from each workshop goes to sponsor and empower a girl in need.
To learn more and request a workshop in your area, or to volunteer to be a facilitator in your area email info@kimberlynapier.com