DARE Workshops
Get Real.
Get Clear.
Be Brave.
Make IT Happen. Now!
What’s holding you back from making positive change in your life?
Have you been thinking about…
- Going back to work after a long hiatus?
- Switching careers since you’re bored with your current job?
- Upping your game at work so you’re viewed as a leader?
- Bringing more positive energy to each and every day?
But as much as you’d like to make these changes happen… you’re struggling with getting started or maintaining any kind of momentum. It’s easy to slide back to what you’ve always done, right?
Ready to try something different?
“Can your life path actually be changed in a matter of hours? Mine was when I participated in Kimberly’s DARE workshop. Not only was I deeply moved by the honesty, vulnerability and desire for change in the women of the workshop, but Kimberly propelled each one of us to a new place of realization and resilience. With clearly outlined steps for personal growth and discovery, we left the workshop with a new perspective on ourselves, and the knowledge that we aren’t alone in our journeys toward change.”
– Cynthia West, Writing & Publishing Professional

READY to make change happen?
Unleash your Power!
Let me introduce you to my DARE CHANGE workshops that give you the positive boost to move forward. Because when you learn the DARE Process, you find the clarity and courage to move forward with confidence, and the tools to keep you focused on your path.
Discover your power by getting real with who you are.
Articulate what you really want and be empowered as a result.
Reframe the HOW by adopting a new perspective, be brave.
Execute it and make it happen!
In these workshops I work with you and a small group of like-minded women, to help you discover what you really want, tame your fears, control your self-limiting beliefs and open yourself up for the change you really want.
I share with you these key shifts I made that guided me through my transformation and growth after the tragic loss of my husband:
- Learn how to reshape your thinking with an introduction to the concepts of neuroplasticity and brain self-deception.
- Walk away with mindful and pragmatic tools to make positive, sustainable change in your life.
- Empower yourself with more resilience to stress and get back in the driver’s seat of your everyday!
- Increase your overall state of mind and well-being.
There are four different workshops and each one is 3-hours long – a combination of lectures, group exercises, storytelling and mindfulness exercises. The cost is $120 a session and is non-refundable.
Here’s what women are saying:
“life changing.”
“better than years of therapy.”
“I feel 100 times better after the first session!”
DARE Change Workshop Series
Workshops are recommended to be completed in order.

Discover Your Power
This workshop is about discovering your power of choice and making the declaration to BE (REALLY) REAL! You’ll gain self-awareness about what limits you from getting what you want and learn techniques on how to silence your negative talk – your inner Medusa. You’ll learn how to unleash your best self, your goddess from within, and how to be a powerful creator of your life. By the end of the workshop you’ll be ready to move on to articulating your life purpose and authoring your life.

Articulate Your Purpose
In this workshop you be empowered to become the author of your life and GET (REALLY) CLEAR! During our time together you’ll write your legacy and define your life purpose. You’ll gain clarity on what your true-life purpose is by fully articulating your values (what gives you meaning), your passion (what fuels you), and your character strengths (what defines you). With this clarity you’ll be ready to reframe the HOW to make what you want possible, and learn how to increase your resiliency.

Reframe Your Possibility
This workshop shows you how to adopt a positive perspective and “growth mindset” so you can reframe the HOW of possibility and empower you to BE (REALLY) BRAVE! You’re going to discover how to be more positive in your everyday, embrace failure and shed your perfectionist expectations. You’ll walk out of this workshop with tools to help you identify more possibilities in reaching your goals, so you’re ready to take the next step to make change happen for yourself.

Execute Your Plan
In this workshop you’ll learn how to make your plan for positive change take shape and (REALLY) DO IT! The concepts of the “happiness success model” and “life is a journey, and not a destination” will forever change how you approach your life. This is about locking in your commitment, and learning how to be more mindful in your everyday behaviors to stay on track for sustainable change.

“Every woman needs this. Just when I thought I knew myself, the DARE Workshops opened my eyes to where I’m at, and what I need guidance on. To be in a (gorgeous and serene) setting that’s safe, with like-minded women, and shared positive energy was incredibly supportive. Kimberly provides the compass to help us navigate to the authentic women we are. I can’t wait to attend more sessions!”
–Lisa McKenna, founder Curious Marie, LLC
“There were times when it was said that I had more determination than talent. This may be said of many. It may also be said that life loves the person
who dares to live it.”
– Maya Angelou
Ready to take charge of the change you know you want to make?
DARE Change Workshops Resources
Inspirational reads to help you sustain change….
- Daring Greatly – Brene Brown
- The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
- Choose the Life You Want – Tal Ben-Shahar
- Full Catastrophe Living – John Kabat Zinn