Application Form Step 1 of 3 33% Name* First Last Email* Phone*I will call at our designated time. Please be available and ready to talk without distractions.What's Your Website Address? (If applicable) What's your biggest struggle right now?*What's your big dream? How do you want your life (and/or business) to be?*What do you believe to be the biggest obstacle for achieving that dream?* What do you most want to get out of our call?* Are you currently in a position to invest in you?* Yes! I'm resourceful and done holding myself back. No, I’m maxed out. Programs begin at $1500, if you were invited to work with us and invest in yourself would you...* Say Yes! I'm ready to invest in myself. Be a little intimidated, but I would because my growth is my top priority. I wouldn't invest as I'm looking to do things without having to make an investment in myself. Finally, what makes you different than other applicants, and why should we choose to work with you?!* Δ